Welcome to Badger Class

Welcome to Badger Class. 

Miss Alden is the class teacher. Mrs Jeffries will be in our class every day to support our learning. Mrs Bligh teaches us on a Wednesday afternoon. 



Ideally children should be heard read at home every day, this can just be a page or two. At the end of Year 6, children are expected to be able to read for an hour. Please use the children's reading records to record comments every time you hear the children read. Reading records should only come into school on a Friday and books can come in whenever they need changing.  



The children will each be given a homework book which they can keep at home to complete their homework in. Photo's of the completed work can be shared on Tapestry each week.



PE sessions are on a Wednesday. On this day the children will need to come in to school in their PE kit. Please be aware of the weather and ensure they will be warm enough for the whole day.


School Uniform 

When children take their jumpers or cardigans off we encourage them to pop them in their trays or on their peg. Please ensure these are named so we can identify any that have been misplaced. 

Children need indoor shoes for at school. These will stay at school and can be slippers, plimsoles or crocs.