Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class!

The adults in our class are Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Saunders and Mrs Godliman.

Here is some information about how our class works.



The children will be provided with books to read at home on a Friday. These books can then be returned to school on the following Friday. Ideally, children should be heard read at home daily. When you hear your child read, please write in their reading record. Children's home reading books and record should only come into school on Fridays. 



The children each have a pink home learning log book to complete homework tasks in. Home learning will be set half-termly and the children can select whcih of the activities they would like to attempt each week. The pink books do not need to be brought in to school, instead we ask you to share home learning using Tapestry.  



Spellings will be set for year 1 and 2 children weekly on a Friday.  The children will have a green home spelling book which they can stick their spelling list for the week into and use to practice the words. This book can be kept at home and does not need to be brought into school. 



PE sessions are on a Tuesday. On this day the chidlren will need to come in to school in their PE kit. Please be aware of the weather and ensure they will be warm enough for the whole day. Team-coloured PE Tshirts should be worn on this day. 


School Uniform

Children have access to the outdoor area throughout the day so please ensure they have their coats with them everyday, as well as shoes suitable for all weathers (this can be wellies if you would like). When children take their jumpers off we encourage them to hang them on their pegs, however sometimes the jumpers may end up elsewhere! Please ensure jumpers are named so we can identify any 'lost' ones.

Children will also need indoor shoes in school. These could be rubber-soled slippers, plimsolls or croc-style shoes. Please ensure that all shoes are clearly named to avoid confusion. Also, it is important that children are able to fasten their shoes independently so laces are not usually appropraite for children of this age range. 



We regularly upload observations to Tapestry to share what the children have been learning. Please upload and share any new skills or experiences the children have achieved outside of school, aswell as their home learning tasks. I would reccomend downloading the Tapestry app as it is quick as easy to use. There is a parent guide attached below for anyone new to using Tapestry.