At Yaxham Primary Academy we have designed a valuable skills based curriculum with its foundations in key knowledge.  This intrinsic combination has allowed us to create a coherent and creative program that ensures progression and challenge for all.

Our timetable allows us to maximise learning time and ensure we are delivering a rich and varied education.  At its heart our curriculum prepares children for the next stage in their learning.   

A child in our school will:

  • Develop a life-long love of learning with high aspirations for their future.
  • Experience a stimulating and challenging learning environment which nurtures creativity.
  • Learn key knowledge.
  • Practise and apply valuable skills.
  • Gain the ability to persevere.
  • Share knowledge and experiences with others.
  • Take ownership of their learning and behaviour.
  • Build confidence to encounter new experiences.
  • Appreciate their own and others’ worth and place in the world.
  • Flourish and grow from their own starting points.
  • Become increasingly independent.
  • Be provided with appropriate support to access the curriculum where specific needs are identified
Reception and Key Stage 1 use a specialist phonics package called 'Read Write Inc' developed by Ruth Miskin one of the UK's leading authorities on teaching children to read.

As a school we follow the White Rose Maths schemes of learning which supports mastery. This link may answer any questions parents may have about supporting mathematical learning at home.  

In our subject pages you will find the documents which details how the breadth and depth of the National Curriculum is covered within our classes. If you require any further information regarding our curriculum, please get in touch via the following link Contact
The school is active in promoting an inclusive and  positive learning environment for all by ensuring that every child is given equal opportunity to develop socially, to learn, and to enjoy school life. Progress and  development is supported by our SEND practice SEND at Yaxham and Accessibility Plan
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus. As a  previously Voluntary Aided school (VA) with a Christian foundation, there is a focus o Christianity in each year. There is also the opportunity for children to learn about and evaluate their views on other world religions.
Religious Education enables children to appreciate their belief and culture, as well as those of other people. Helping them to develop a clear understanding of the significance of religion in their own area and in the world today. Religious Education promotes understanding and respect, challenging prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping. 
Religious Education is also concerned with the individual and promotes children's feeling of self-worth, enabling them to reflect on their uniqueness as human beings, to share their feelings and emotions with others and appreciate the importance of forming and maintaining positive relationships. 
At Yaxham Church of England Primary Academy we strongly believe that the purpose of RE  is religious literacy. Our aim is that all children will be able to hold a balanced and well informed conversation about religion and belief. In order to fulfil this purpose Religious Education in our school provides a balance of theology, philosophy and human/social sciences.