
Maths at Yaxham
We are proud of our maths teaching at Yaxham.
Through a combination of ensuring solid foundations and fostering a love of problem solving and exploring, we nurture a school maths community which is both confident and flourishing.
Children are taught from reception to make mathematical observations and to explain their thinking.  
As they progress through our school, children are shown how to formalise their maths jottings and how to work efficiently.
Maths is a creative and beautiful subject and our children are encouraged to see it in this way.
Counting and times tables
Most of primary school maths is achievable just by being able to count and knowing times tables.
All children at Yaxham count in some way every day.
Times table knowledge is valued and we are really pushing for children to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4.  This is in line with government expectations.
We do not place the emphasis on speed, but rather the ability to find the answer to any given times table in an efficient way.
Children who are confident in their times tables do better in all areas of maths.
At Yaxham, children can do the 'BIG test' where they answer 25 times table questions.  If successful they become on one of our Times Table Champions.
Useful websites for learning times tables.
Below are our planned curricula for Hedgehog class (R, 1 and 2), Badger Class (3&4), and Fox class (5&6).
Our curricula are based on the White Rose Maths scheme but are constantly reviewed and adapted to meet the needs of our school and our cohorts.
Maths talk
At Yaxham we practise maths talk every day in every year group.
Maths talk is where children are encouraged to look at a picture and talk about it in a mathematical way.
In Key Stage One, children would be encouraged to count, to use terms like more than and less than, to see patterns, to notice odd things, to make simple connections.
By the end of Key Stage Two, our children would be making broader generalisations, finding equivalencies and anomalies, seeing multiples and factors, and thinking algebraically.
Maths talk increases children's confidence in their mathematical foundations and helps children to make connections between the different mathematical topics.